[EatThisNotThat]Whey Cookies




千呼萬喚嘅Whey Cookies終於上架!你可以想像到同真牛油曲奇🍪一樣咁鬆化嘅Hi-protein cookies只有74Kcal嗎😍?

Maklumat produk

產品特點 Product Feature

✨無添加糖 No Added Sugar

✨無奶 Diary FREE

✨無牛油 No Butter

✨無反式脂肪 No Trans Fat

✨非油炸 Not Fried

✨非基因改造 GMO FREE

✨無防腐劑 No Preservatives

✨無人造色素 No Artificial Colour


營養資料 Nutrition Facts

Per 1 Serving (7 pc)| 1Serving Per Container

Vanilla/Coffee/Pandan - 74 Kcal C 5 P 9 F 2

Dark Choc Almond Mix - 79 Kcal C 4 P 9 F 3

Cookies & Dark Choc - 87 Kcal C 5 P 10 F 4


主要成份 Main Ingredients


Whey Protein, Almond Flour, Prebiotic Fiber, Stevia


保質期 Expiry

出廠日計 2 月 Months


食物敏感人士注意 Food Allergy⚠️


聲明 Disclaimer


Please note that this product may contain allergens, if you have any concerns, please contact us first


The company will regularly update product information, and reserves the right to change product information without further notice to customers


The company is not responsible for any errors in the content of this website


All the above text materials and art pictures are owned by the company, any partial or full content reprint or excerpt must be approved by the company

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